Jeanne d’Arc

See original.

There are few people in the world with as many equestrian statues as Jeanne d’Arc. In total there are 36, of which 26 are in France and 10 in other countries. 16 of these are originals, the other 20 are replicas.

There are a number of reasons why there are so many statues of Jeanne d’Arc. First, she is seen as the liberator of France and accordingly is a national heroine. Second, she is one of the patron saints of France. Third, she is one of the patron saints of soldiers, and therefore often part of war memorials. Lastly, the story of her short life is very inspiring for artists.

In 1889, the City of Nancy requested a replica of the statue. This gave Frémiet the opportunity to reduce the size of the horse and to make a few other changes, including adding a muzzle to hide the horse’s head and removing the harness around the rear.

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