- CountryKazakhstan
- Town:Astana
Year of creation:2001
- Rider(s):Kasymov, Kenesary
(1841 – 1847), grandson of Ablai Khan, was proclaimed khan of the Kazakhs when the Russian Empire was already fully in control of Kazakhstan. Kenesary Khan’s popular rise was in defiance of Russian control of Kazakhstan, and his time as khan was spent in continuous fighting with the Russian imperial forces until his death in 1847. Widely regarded as a freedom fighter and popular as a leading voice against the increasingly aggressive and forceful policies of the Russian Empire, Kenesary was ruthless in his actions and unpredictable as a military strategist. During the last decade, Kenesary Khan has become increasingly regarded as a hero in Kazakh literature and media. This, however, is a relatively recent trend since more outspoken views were not possible until Kazakhstan was no longer part of the USSR. Ormon Khan (see Kyrgysztan) defeated him in 1847.
- Sculptor(s):Dalbai, Nurlan
Photographers unknown