- CountryUS
- Town:Washington D.C.
Year of creation:1907
- Rider(s):George Brinton McClellan
(1826–1885) played an important role early in the war by raising a well-trained and organized army for the Union. McClellan was meticulous in his planning and preparations, but these characteristics may have hampered his ability to challenge aggressive opponents in a fast-moving battlefield environment. He repeatedly overestimated the strength of enemy units and was reluctant to apply principles of mass, frequently leaving large portions of his army unengaged at decisive points.
- Sculptor(s):Frederick William MacMonnies
(1863 –1937) was the best-known expatriate American sculptor of the Beaux-Arts school, as successful and lauded in France as he was in the United States. He was also a highly accomplished painter and portraitist. In 1880 young MacMonnies was taken on by Augustus Saint-Gaudens and soon promoted to studio assistant. This began a lifelong friendship with the acclaimed sculptor.
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