Home | Sükhbaatar, Damdin
- CountryMongolia
- Town:Ulan Bator
Year of creation:1946
- Rider(s):Damdin Sükhbaatar
(1893–1923) was a founding member of the Mongolian People’s Party and leader of the Mongolian partisan army that liberated Khüree during the Outer Mongolian Revolution of 1921. Enshrined as the ‘Father of Mongolia’s Revolution’, he is remembered as one of the most important figures in Mongolia’s struggle for independence.
- Sculptor(s):Sonomyn Comboil
The statue was erected on the on the spot where Sükhbaatar’s horse urinated during a rally in 1921. This was seen as a good omen and a marker was buried on the spot, which was dug out in 1946, after the sculptor asked where his statue should be placed.