Home | Suvorov, Alexander
- CountryMoldova
- Town:Tiraspol
Year of creation:1979
- Rider(s):Alexander Suvorov
(1729 or 1730 –1800) was a Russian general in service of the Russian Empire. He was the last Generalissimo of the Russian Empire. Suvorov is considered one of the greatest military commanders in Russian history. He was awarded numerous medals, titles, and honors by Russia, as well as by other countries. Suvorov secured Russia’s expanded borders and renewed military prestige and left a legacy of theories on warfare. He never lost a single major battle he had commanded.
For his accomplishments, he was made a Count of both the Russian Empire and Holy Roman Empire.
- Sculptor(s):Valentin and Victor Artamonovs
One of the statues of Suvorov stands in the city he founded in 1792, Tiraspol, the capital of Transnistria, a split off from Moldova, and a state on the east bank of the Dniester River with very limited recognition.